Bruce Nghiem


Graphic designer and UX designer located in Austin Texas, Bruce Nghiem, has proficiency in Adobe products such as Indesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. This designer’s interests and inspirations come from usability experience, games, and Japanese graphic design but also dives into more South East Asia design styles. Through illustration, their works tend to focus on climate change and bold/bright colors.

Artist Statement

One of the ways for people to communicate with each other is through language, but if there is a language barrier between both parties then communication would be difficult. Visual aids can be used as a common language that both parties are able to understand. I have an interest in tutorials and guides since personally, I use them a lot when playing games and as tools for understanding different subjects. These guides provide information that helps users to plan what to do and how to do any activity. For this project and my interest in guides, I want to ask how abstract and out of the norm can I make the guide about crocheting an Among Us character before it becomes difficult to read. For someone who has difficulty in reading, visual language is an essential tool to be used in the learning process, and one of the best examples used is an instructional guidebook. So the topic of my subject is how guides use teaching methods to help people in learning. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to make a crochet guidebook that is readable through the use of visual language but also stands out from the norms of crochet patterns.

Senior Studio Project

A project that focus on making a crochet guidebook of a character from the game called Among Us.

Climate Strikes Again

A student project that focuses on branding the identity of a social movement about climate strikes.


Typeface is called Motherboard, which focuses on a style with sci-fi features.

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